Why money?

Why talking about money and understanding money is important? “If someone you talk to about money does not like to talk about it, this means they have a problem with money” Bob Proctor.
Money is neither bad or good. It is a form of energy, it can break you or make you, depending on what your relationship with money is. Start today, understand money a little at a time.

Why is talking about money or understanding money so important? And why is it not taught in school?

I have seen people with finance degree and go broke. And I have seen friends with little formal education who went on to become rich. By rich, I meant they achieve happiness and peace. they spent time with the people they love, they work because they want to, they have a purpose.

If someone you talk to about money does not like to talk about it, this means that they have a problem with money – said Bob Proctor. This can usually mean they have a bad relationship with money.

Whether you are reading this because you are about to get into college and your first credit card or you are a new parent looking to reset your financial life or you are in your thirties with some assets, and want to do a financial audit on yourself, this blog is the place you can get ideas and start off on good grounds.

Author: iwantyoutoberich

Ways to understand money, love money, save money, make money and be rich and happy!